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Interviews and Articles

2/ Resilience Occupational Therapy Podcast, Episode 1

Lauren Mandych is a new naturopathic doctor who recently joined Well Natured, a naturopathic practice in Montpelier, Vermont. Lauren is a new graduate and specializes in chronic health conditions including chronic pain. January 24, 2021

3 / "Tell Me Your Story: Narrative Medicine in the Therapeutic Relationship"

"Narrative medicine allows the patient to tell their story, and the doctor to listen, without having to “do” something or to “fix” the patient. It engages the patient’s consciousness and awareness and allows them to be – and feel – heard. It also acknowledges that healing requires a biopsychosocialspiritual approach to the person and not just the disease. We need to know who our patients are and what has happened in their life to bring them to this moment in time. The challenge for naturopathic doctors is to listen to the story of the self, as well as to the cells, and to remember that disease tells both stories."


Mandych, L., & Epstein, P. (2019, June 5). Tell me your story: Narrative medicine in the therapeutic relationship. Naturopathic Doctor News and Review. Retrieved from

4 / "A natural prescription for mental health: A narrative review"

"One in six adults in North America will experience depression in their lifetime, and it is frequently a co-morbidity to other health concerns. Effective, affordable treatments are needed to combat the rising prevalence of mental health challenges in both adult and pediatric populations. Studies indicate a steady decline in individuals spending time outside. This literature review assesses the current evidence of the impact of nature on mental health and provides practical clinical guidance with the goal of recommending prescriptions for time outside."


Dertinger, J., Hassan, S., Zheng, Q. P., Bhardwaj, S., Aucoin, M., & Cooley, K. (2019). A natural prescription for mental health: A narrative review by Lauren (McKinney) Mandych, CCNM student [1], Owen Wiseman, CCNM student [1], Leslie Solomonian, ND [1]. The 3rd Annual CCNM Research Day: Student Research & Innovation in Naturopathic Medicine. Retrieved from


Lauren Mandych, ND


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